General Assembly Meetings

During the academic year, the General Assembly of the North Dakota Student Association meets monthly to discuss issues affecting the student interest.

A preliminary agenda is posted approximately one week before any meeting.

Schedule for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:

NDSA Schedule 2024-2025

Agendas for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:

GA Agenda 9.6.24 UND

GA Agenda 10.26.24 VCSU

GA Agenda 11.23.24 MiSU

GA Agenda 12.06.24 Online

GA Agenda 01.24.25 NDSCS

GA Agenda 02.08.25 MaSU

GA Agenda 03.08.25 DCB

General Assembly Minutes for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:

GA Minutes 9.7.24 UND

GA Minutes 10.26.24 VCSU

GA Minutes 11.23.24 MiSU

GA Minutes 12.06.24 Online

GA Minutes 01.24.25 NDSCS

GA Minutes 02.08.25 MaSU

GA Minutes 03.08.25 DCB